The Roughness of Neural Networks – Jimi Hendrix, Holly Herndon, GPT-3, Timbre Transfer and the Promising Failure Aesthetics of Musical Ais

Here you can find different materials related to the article „The Roughness of Neural Networks – Jimi Hendrix, Holly Herndon, GPT-3, Timbre Transfer and the Promising Failure Aesthetics of Musical Ais“ (link).

Audio Examples
(Playlist on the right)

Audio 1a: My voice as a trumpet (using Magenta Tone Transfer):

Audio 1b: the original voice recording 

Audio 2: My voice through Holly+ My voice was saying „This method is especially interesting for music and art because it promises to be able to produce something new and surprising, in other words, to show a kind of machine creativity.“

Different Sounds with the Timbre/Tone of Hendrix-Style-Guitar

The original guitar was played by myself (trainings data Audio 8) and used as a timbre for the following inputs 

Audio 3: using the original voice above (Audio 1b)

Audio 4: prerecorded acoustic piano as input

Audio 5: fieldrecording/ soundscape of birds in the woods as input

Guitar as Input (flute vs hendrix guitar timbre)

Audio 6: guitar as input

Audio 7: same guitar like in Audio 6 as input, existing preset of a flute as output


Audio 8: Trainingsdata for Hendrix-like Guitar Timbre, short selection of about 13 minutes, that have been used for training the timbre of the VST instrument


Video Playlist with Resources mentioned in the Article

All Audio Examples in one Playlist


„A robot playing the guitar in the style of a spectrogram“ (DALL·E 2022-12-19)

VST-Plugin Resources and 3 Steps

Infos around Magenta Tone Transfer VST

  1. Download the VST-Instrument
  2. Download my JTC-Hendrix-Guitar-Timbre for upload into the VST-Plugin: jtcguitar
  3. Launch the Tone-Transfer-VST-Plugin in your DAW and Upload jtcguitar as a new preset